Banners 7 - Baby's First Year Photo Templates SVG

Using my popular font MTF Jumpin' Jack... there are 22 titled banners to document your sweet baby's first year with weekly milestones 1-4, monthly milestones 1-12 and more (read below for full banner titles list) - in 3 styles (plain, hearts, stars) and 2 sizes ( 4x4 flag pennant bottom and straight bottom, 4x6 flag pennant bottom and straight bottom - cut out and solid versions of each ) - perfect for newborn baby themed photo banners, scrapbooking and more! This pack of photo frame templates has a total of 256 SVG's! See detailed images for all the variations!

◦ Hello World
◦ Hello Baby
◦ Made With Love ♥
◦ Baby Boy
◦ Baby Girl
◦ Newborn
◦ One Week
◦ Two Weeks
◦ Three Weeks
◦ Four Weeks
◦ One Month
◦ Two Months
◦ Three Months
◦ Four Months
◦ Five Months
◦ Six Months
◦ Seven Months
◦ Eight Months
◦ Nine Months
◦ Ten Months
◦ Eleven Months
◦ Twelve Months

+ + DETAILS + +
→ 256 Cutting files in .SVG format.
→ Original vector files in .AI & .EPS format.
→ 256 Printable 300dpi .PNG transparent files.

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