Howdy everyone! I wasn’t sure if I wanted to draw Easter or wedding stuff for my next new pack so on Wednesday I asked on my Facebook page which one I should do – the majority said Easter which I started on – but I got a little sidetracked (like usual LOL!) and started another pack too!
Here is a look, it’s almost done and I need a name to release it (and coordinating patterns) in my store on Monday! Leave a comment here with a suggested name for the pack and if I choose your suggested name you will win it! Can’t wait to see what you come up with!
It’s awfully cute. I’m thinking “Cutie Patootie”. Thanks for the chance!!
These are adorable as usual! The only name I could think of was:
Spring Zoobilee
What an adorable kit! love all the animals and pastel colors
I keep thinking of Spring Carnival
I am thinking “At the Park” or “Animal Park”
For a patterned paper you could use the balloon bunch and repeat that
Hope that helps. It is cute!
Spring in the Park :)
Thanks for the chance!
Animal Crackers?
So CUTE!!! I’m thinking “Animals Spring Parade”
So cute, my suggestion is: Spring Sweeties.
Thanks for the chance!
I was thinking in “Happy buddies”?
Love this…I’m thinking Sidewalk Friends or Animal Play or Animal Playdate.
adorable!!! I would say… “Come play with me”… :)
Party Animals?
wild about you?
Wild about parties?
Wild about Zoo?
Oh my head hurts.. too much thinking on one coffee :P
Cute set.. good luck coming up with a name!
These are adorable! The only thing that I could really come up with is “Zoo Cute”.
How about Just Playin’ Around or Playin’ Around?
Spring at the Zoo
it’s adorable!!
Cuuuute Tina!! I am gonna go with
Sp{ring} Side Seats
3 Sp{ring} Circus
Park Play
Ty for the chance!
Spring Fling
Wildly Cute
Party Animals
how about “small fries”
“Springin’ Around”
These are so cute, thank you for the chance!
Zoo Babies!
This kit is absolutely adorable! There are so many good suggestions, it’s going to be hard to pick one! How about “Zoo-ming into Spring!”
love these. i suggest : “Play . Fun . Spring .”
How the animals play
ZOOper Play
Saturday Play
pastel pals
spring fling
Spring Fling or Floating into Spring
ZOOper Park
How the animals play
Spring is here
ooh I love the suggestion I see right before this one … the ZOOper Park! That’s perfect.
I was going to suggest something like Playtime Friends but now I don’t like that, lol! Go Alexandra!
Adorable, as always!
How about CraZOO?
Zoo Playdate
Little Zoo Friends
My Zoo Friends
So adorable!
Animals Day Off
Ohhhhh I LOVE the previous post from Crystal that suggested “Zoo-ming into Spring”. I think that is perfect!!!! I was trying to come up with something that incorporated the animals, beginning of spring, and fun…..and I think that covers it all! So good luck Crystal!!
If not that one (which again I love btw), how about:
Hip, Hop, Spring
Run, Skip, and Jump into Spring
Zoo-rific Springtime
Whatever you end up going with, I am sure that it will be a success. Very, very cute and fun pack!!
Take care,
how about?
Let’s Play
Play with me
Playing along
Playtime Madness
Roller Circus, or Springy Circus
Fun pack!
over and over again the name tha comes tom y mind is: Cutie Sweeties!
Cutie Carnival???
Adorable Pack!!!!
Sorry if any of these are repeats – I didn’t read anyone else’s!
Zoobilee Zoo
You’re An Animal
It’s A Jungle Out There
Animal House
Wild Things
Animal Friend’s
Zoo Day
I’m Wild About You
Cute! How about Buddies for Spring
how about “Zoo adorable”
Party animals!
I was thinking “Frolicking Fun” or “Animal Boogie”
Super cute as always.
So cute! My suggestion would by ‘Sweet Spring’ – but I also really like the suggestion that someone already made of ‘springing around’
How about Sweet Cheeks, because it looks like an awesome baby kit in the making!
I like PeekaBoo Zoo!
Very cute!
I thought some suggestions were great and didn’t think I had any, but I just thought of one: “The Carnimal”.
Thanks for the chance.
A Day at the Circus
Spring celebration
Hoppy Spring
Spring Air
what do you thinck about “doudou pets”
“Playground Party” or “Spring with me to the Playground Party”
This is absolutely adorable!! Thank you for lettings us play, and for the chance to win! I’m going to say…
Adorable Spring
Cuteness Ensues
Cuteness Overload
Sunny Smiles
Simply Adorable
Simply Cute
Best of luck to all who play, I can’t wait to hear the winning name (even if it’s not one of mine, haha!)
Maybe it’s just because I was listening to the song with my daughter, but how about
“Animal Fair.”
What a great sale!!! I’ve let my readers over atScrappy Trends know about it, so they can come visit your blog for more info about it.
I didn’t read any of the responses you’ve gotten already but here’s mine:
“Zoo Many Cuties!”
Adorable as usual!!!
“Spring Frolic”
Active Animals
my idea is “Animals at Play” or “Animals that Play” something alone those lines! SUUUPERRR cute pack!!
Very Cute!
There are lots of great names here but I will throw some in too.
Wild about Spring
Wild over Sunshine
Sunshine Play
Sunshine Fun
Too cute!
My suggestions:
Spring Into Spring
Animal Playground
Spring at the Zoo
What a cutie!!!! I have this name stuck in my head:
There’s so many wonderful choices, and so many wonderful suggestions … I hope one of us finds a great name for the kit.
How about Zippity-Zoo-Dah :)
Adorable images!
I suggest….
1) Lions & Tigers & Bears – and other friends too!
2) Meet me in Springtime
3) Spring Forward
4) Zoo-rrifical
Thanks for the chance, this is sooooooooooooo flippin’ cute!
So cute! How about
Park Playmates
Springtime Playmates
Animal Playmates
Thanks -Pam
this is so sweet and awesome .):)
how about Zoo-loo-baa-loo
when i saw this .. “pillow talk” came to mind. they remind me of adorable stuffed animals that I would probably have when I was little and talk to them at night before I go to bed :-)
Ohhh I loved this pack. I think in “fluffy animals”, or “tottaly fluffy”. TY for the chance to in. Hugs
Thank you so much everyone, a name has been picked!!